Belgrade Victor
sportit element strelica bela
Belgrade Victor

The activation that marked 2019 in the world of running in the Balkans is the campaign we did with the Belgrade Victor (symbol of the city and the logo of the Belgrade Running Club). The moment of landing the Victor on the face of Belgrade marked the whole event. Completely unexpected and unannounced, the Visitor was the main topic of Belgrade a few days after the event.

sportit element strelica bela
Tu sam za sebe

The campaign is geared toward women in Serbia. Our incentive was to affect and change very gloomy numbers: that only 4% of women remain active weekly. Our purpose was clear and our campaign combines PR and awareness segments and free, open events with constant activations and callouts for women to show us what they can do. Game-changer here is that we use only real-life women, not airbrushed fitness supermodels as faces in our campaign. Real bodies jiggle, they have cellulite, sweat, and smeared makeup sometimes and we say: that’s just fine, go out there, have fun, and stay healthy – that’s your main motivation.

sportit element strelica bela
Maraton je porodica

Maraton je porodica is Serbia’s first-ever campaign that targets supporters. Our main premise was that the City of Belgrade is, on the one hand, paralyzed for 6 hours during the Marathon, and on the other – families want to be with each other on that day. So we decided to offer them a chance to cheer for the runners at 2 Cheering points, with DJ refreshments and cheering equipment ready for them. Additionally, we created a microsite with an option to leave their personalized message for runners, and pick it up on the race day. The campaign had ATL and BTL segments, and a strong digital overlay